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It’s Time For Spring Vacation Feet!


Source: Uglee Feet

It’s that time of year again when winter foot care is on the horizon as you start planning for that long awaited spring vacation! Don’t let your daydreams of luxuriously lounging on a tropical beach, laying poolside on a cruise be marred with the reality that you really have to spend time hiding your feet! Long, cold and wet winters require your feet be encased in heavy shoes, heavy socks and cramped boots, causing sweating, chafing, blisters, cracked heels and ingrown toenails. Eeeew.

Get your feet ready for spring vacation with some great foot care tips!

You’ve been looking forward to this spring getaway event for months, so now is the time to start getting your feet ready! You’ve probably already been shopping for shoes that hide your bunions, but now the real work begins!

5 spring foot care tips

1. Breathable Socks

Of course, you change your socks daily, but you might want to think about what kind of socks you wear. Looser socks can allow your feet to breathe, minimizing the dampness inside your shoes that causes bacteria to grow. Lean toward natural, more breathable fabrics as spring approaches..

2. Exfoliate

Heels get thick skin and painful cracks more in winter than at any other time. Be sure to pumice and exfoliate your heels and calluses regularly. Use a foot file regularly as well…these are great for keeping dry, cracked heels at bay! Whether manual, electric, or chemical, there are enough options out there that you should never not keep calluses at bay! Use these before your shower when heels are dry, and follow with a moisturizer, and follow all manufacturers directions.

3. Moisturize The Right Way

Do add moisturizer to your feet, but make sure to not overuse it during the day, and rub it in thoroughly so you don’t create dampness in your socks. Apply foot cream or cocoa butter to your feet liberally before bed and cover with cotton socks…marvelous! One of the best affordable products out there is Gold Bond – not your grandma’s cream any more!

4. No Stinkey Feet

A long winter of keeping our feet covered up means foot odor can also be a problem, particularly if you’re active outdoors in the winter. Dust your feet with cornstarch or powder before donning boots. Another great solution is a natural shoe deodorizer spray – all natural, multiple uses, smells great!

5. Remove Toe Hair

Not to be forgotten, as indelicate as it may be – is toe hair. Everyone has it – some more than others – but there it is. You can remove toe hair any way you like – try a good depilatory, shave, wax, whatever works. (For men, you might as well get them the whole shootin’ match!) Those little pre-waxes strips are good for this, quick and easy. Removing toe hair is one of those little things that can make your feet look smooth and polished!

These few simple steps will help to get your feet ready for spring vacation. Don’t forget to get a pedicure and pack some appropriately comfortable shoes to ease discomfort for corns, calluses, and bunions. for your getaway. Enjoy!



3316 Williams Drive, Suite 120
Georgetown, TX 78628

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