Byhealthy|Oct 26, 2019
Your feet take you everywhere, and you still neglect them. Why? Without them, you won’t be able to go anywhere. They support your total body weight, and enable you to do literally anything.
What about the pain you feel in your feet? You are probably tired or maybe you deal with plantar fasciitis. It’s a condition caused by an inflammation of the tissue at the bottom of your foot.
Plantar fasciitis causes heel pain, calf tightness, cramps, and pain after a workout. Some people feel pain when they touch their feet, and others may have a palpable lump on the bottom of their foot, right next to the heel.
Improper shoes, lack of strength and stability, repetitive movements and obesity are the most common causes. How to relieve your condition? First, treat the inflammation process. Apply ice packs to your sore feet for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Use ice-bottle massage to treat your inflammation and stretch the plantar fascia.
Stretching exercises are also helpful. We give you a few suggestions.
Plantar fascia stretch
P lace the yoga block on the floor, and put the ball of your foot on the edge while keeping the heel on the ground. Carry the weight over the block until you feel the stretch in your calf, ankle, and plantar fascia. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Do two reps on both sides.
2. Calf raises
Step on the block with both feet, and support your body on the wall using your hand. Bring your right heel towards the ground, and press up through the ball of your right foot to flex the calf muscle. Do 10 reps and switch feet.
3. Toe stretch
Step the ball of your foot and toes on the center of the block, and raise the heel up high until you feel the stretch in your toes and plantar fascia. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Do three reps on each side.
Extra tips
Replace your old shoes
Wear proper footwear when you do sports
Don’t overdo anything and listen to your body
Give your body a rest and proper treatment if you need any
Warm up before every workout
Build strength and flexibility gradually
Don’t run uphill often, and avoid rocky surfaces when running